Word Stress in Russian!

Information about word stress in Russian at russianstress.info

Russian stress? What exactly is this website about?

This site provides information about stress in Russian words. Russian is known for its chaotic, irregular word stress. Pronouncing words with the right stress is important for communication: getting the stress wrong will make you sound foreign and clumsy at best, and it will get across an unintended message at worst.

Is it worth providing a website devoted exclusively to this topic? Well, I've received a few mails over the years and even made one friend of two in the process, all based in a common interest in languages. So I'd say yes :)

You will find a general description about stress in Russian as well as lists of words with stress markings, grammar information and explanations. They are useful as vocabulary lists in their own right, and you can even use frequency information to decide which words to study first.

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